Sunday School: 9AM
Service Time: 10AM
Jonathan Huddleston

Hi, I’m Jonathan Huddleston, the minister at Laughlintown Christian Church. I’m so glad you checked out our website, and I hope to get a chance to talk with you one-on-one about how our church can serve you.
As the minister, I’m the only full-time staff—though God bless our part-time janitor and the many members who serve, reach out, and keep the church running smoothly! You can call me “Jonathan.” I preach regularly, and am always eager for any opportunity to counsel, converse, or teach from God’s word.
I have a wife, Adrienne, and a son in college, Jakob.
I’ve been at this church for a little over the year, but came here with a decade’s experience as a full-time preacher in Kentucky and New Mexico.
I’ve also spent 4 years as a full-time college professor, plus part-time teaching with all sorts of groups--teaching literature in a private high school, teaching Hebrew to a Junior High homeschooler, teaching Bible to prison inmates, teaching at youth camps and men’s retreats and nursing homes.
My specialty is teaching Bible; my Ph.D. from Duke is in Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). That doesn’t mean I have all the answers, but it does mean I love discussing the questions!
I’m a bit of a nerd, interested in all kinds of science fiction and fantasy.
I’m also fascinated by people from different cultures; I grew up in Zaire, Africa (now named Congo), where my parents were missionaries working on translating the Bible. I’ve been on short mission trips to Mexico, Chile, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.
If I could sum up my greatest passion, it is God’s grace—the divine love that comes to us undeserved, bringing acceptance and healing. My life is full to the brim and overflowing with people who have shared that grace with me, and I am eager to continue to share that grace with others.