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Christmas Light Shines in the Dark

Jonathan Huddleston

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Christmas lights are everywhere. I'm a sucker for them every time.

I don't know quite why and how, but the story of Jesus' birth has entered the world like no other part of the gospel. Those who barely know about Jesus or the Bible, stand rapt in awe at the baby in the manger, the shepherds and wise men, the guiding star and the herald angels.

And it's more than the images. It's the urge for human connection. Compassion for the needy. Drawing strength from those who love us. Seeking people to love. It's light in darkness, giving life to the world. It's Christ filling all in all.

The good news is that the God who made the heavens and the earth did not abandon us to our darkness, but entered our groaning world like a little candle flame. This flame was a light that nothing could extinguish. It was a torch that passed from heart to heart, soul to soul. It revealed the truth that defeats every deception--the truth that God's love is with us, living among us, dying for us, rising again inside us. God's love is in the cradle, on the cross, and in front of the empty tomb.

God's love is with us, living among us, dying for us, rising again inside us.

Call this truth Emmanuel. Call it Christianity. Call it church. Or call it Light--the light that shines in the darkness, and is never overcome.

At Laughlintown Christian Church, we shine this light in our weekly Sunday worship, in special service to the community, in prayer and singing, in choir specials and children's skits, in shared food and gifts of cookies, in Christmas Eve candle-lit singing, in communion and in prayer. We shine this light in our love for one another and for God.



  • Remember to look for opportunities to invite a friend to church, or to offer to read the Bible together with someone you know, listening to God together.

  • Remember that this Sunday, December 11, you can join us for 9 a.m. breakfast as well as 10 a.m. service.

  • Remember that our kids' program (and a few adults) will be presenting a Christmas skit on December 18--invite a friend!

  • Remember that our Christmas Eve service is at 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and that we do have Sunday worship on Christmas day at 10 a.m.

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