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God's Timing

Jonathan Huddleston

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8

Time flies. By the time we've attended our meetings, taken care of our family, recovered from the latest crisis, and motivated ourselves to cross off a few of the things on our to-do lists, it's time to go to sleep, get up, and do it all over again. The pages on our calendar flip to the next month (or year) and we can't slow them down.

Time drags. Despite all our tools for distracting ourselves--computer games and social media, TV and movies, crosswords and novels--it can feel like we are always waiting, like the things we've been looking forward to will never come, like our hopes keep getting postponed.

Scripture has a lot to say about waiting, enduring, patience, and longsuffering--it's not time yet. Scripture has a lot to say about running the race, about pressing on, about being alert-- the time is here. Whether time seems fast or slow, the trick is to trust in God's timing.

Whether time seems fast or slow the trick is to trust in God's timing.

Bill Hybels wrote a book called Too Busy Not to Pray. In our rushing and in our waiting, when time flies and when time drags, set aside moments to kneel before the Lord, and adjust yourself to God's timing.

Your every heartbeat can keep pace with Jesus' work, which is never rushed, and never delayed, but always flows on like a mighty river, bringing peace and justice to the world.



  • Join us every Sunday at 10 a.m. to encourage one another in worship.

  • Worship team (6 p.m.) and Board meeting (7 p.m.) are on Monday, Feb 26.

  • On Sundays, we are going through the book of Revelation to explore John's vision of the world behind the curtain.

  • At noon on Wednesday, there are short community worship services in Ligonier, at Heritage Methodist (Feb 28) and St. James Lutheran (March 6).



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