I have good news! We are having breakfast at the church this Sunday, July 10, at 9 a.m., and it will taste wonderful!
Ok, that might not excite you as much as it does me. But it's still good news. It's good news that we'll have a game night on Friday, July 22, at 7 p.m. It's good news that we're going to host a Back to School Bash for the whole neighborhood in August, and a picnic in September (details to both are forthcoming).
It's good news that every Sunday we gather to pray and worship and learn about God together, without judgment, as a welcoming place to belong. It's good news that each week we eat and drink the grace of Jesus, and try to show that love to one another and to the world.
All of this really is good news.
Jesus came preaching the good news about God (Mark 1:14). Think a little bit about what that means.
Jesus didn't come for judgment, but for salvation (John 3:16-17). He didn't come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He didn't come to make us slaves, but to call us friends (John 15:15).
If you sum up everything Jesus taught us about God, the message is good news. It is a message of freedom and of healing, of God's favor toward us (Luke 4:18-21). The God Jesus wants us to believe in is a loving Father, not someone to fear (1 John 4:18). That's good news.
The God Jesus wants us to believe in is a loving Father, not someone to fear. That's good news.
If you're like me, there may be times in your life when you needed this good news. Maybe God felt like a distant stranger, or an enemy. Maybe you needed a place that welcomes instead of excluding, that rejoices in God's grace and doesn't oppress you with man-made rules.
Maybe, even, you needed people to have breakfasts and game nights and picnics with.
If so, take a moment to appreciate the GOOD NEWS that we live out as a church family at Laughlintown Christian Church.
This Sunday, July 10, at 9 a.m., we are sharing a breakfast at the church. Invite someone!
Also this Sunday, July 10, at 2 p.m., we are having a meeting to plan our August Back-to-School Bash! (Led by the Evangelism and Membership Development Team; everyone welcome.)
Friday July 22, at 7 p.m., we are having a game night at the church. Bring a snack or a game or a friend (or a stranger).
Sunday, July 24, immediately following church, we are having a Church Life Counsel Meeting to address how we can reach out beyond ourselves. Come prepared to move beyond "what we've always done."